Tuesday, September 7, 2010

September Playdates!

Back to School is here. It's time for the younger kiddos to get out and have some fun. Here's what we have planned for September:

Tuesday 09/07 10:00 Lunch and Play at La Cantera: Lets meet at the playground outside Dilliard's for a little playtime and then head to lunch at the foodcourt.

Thursday 09/16 09:00 Morning at the zoo: Let's all meet at the zoo and hope for cooler weather.

Friday 09/24 10:00 Pump It Up: They are still having pop in playtime from 10-1. We will be there bouncing around!

Wednesday 09/29: Storytime at Maverick Library 10:15 (Baby) 11:00(Toddler)

Hope to see you there!